Contact Us
We can’t wait to hear from you! You can reach us by phone or email. You can also book a virtual or in-person appointment. We also appreciate your feedback! Please utilize the submit feedback option below to voice concerns or provide positive feedback to help us improve our products and services.Beware of scams
To protect your information, Granite Edvance never solicits sensitive personal information through insecure channels and does not personally contact people to offer grants or scholarships, nor do we ask for your Social Security information if you are not our borrower. If you receive a call from someone claiming to be a Granite Edvance employee, please do not provide this information without contacting Granite Edvance at 603-225-6612 to confirm authenticity of the call.
Meet our team
Everyone at Granite Edvance is focused on our mission: supporting New Hampshire students and families in navigating their education and career pathways. See the faces behind the mission and get to know us better.